"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I'd like to share some of my prim decorating. Now you must be aware that we are "still" remodeling our home, so stuff is temporarily in their places. I'm constantly rearranging things, so I'm sure it will all look different next week, but you will get the idea!
This is my kitchen window. I really like how this came together. My husband is still finishing up a few things in our recently remodeled kitchen, so the window still needs stained and varnished.

I recently found this black I-don't-know-what-you-call-it
at a local antique/prim store. It looks perfect at the end of my kitchen
 counter. I like the display I made up with a couple
of yelloware bowls, a butter mold, a prim doll, and a
 Ball jar that I put spices in with some homespun fabric and label.

I bought the treenware rectangular bowl at a craft shop in Springfield, IL
and the treenware scoop and wooden butter paddle locally.
I love how this looks on the kitchen island. Before I put these
items in the bowl, Holly had claimed it as her own. Actually I felt
rather bad putting anything in it.

Here she is, looking rather comfy and content, until
I ruined it for her!

This is one of my favorite displays in the living room. I've had
the old prim tool chest for many many years, and it's
still one of my favorite pieces. I've used it in many areas in
my home, as a coffee table, and as a trunk in the bedroom. Now
it looks great placed in front of our long stone fireplace.
Displayed upon it is a mercantile cabinet in an unusual shade of mustard.
There's also a basket bouquet of dried black-eye susans,
a framed Simplify picture and a cloth-stuffed prim blessings star.
I love my prim dolls and this is another one of them,
 holding a wire basket of little apples and pears.
Here's a closer shot of my prim doll. I named her
Lucille, after my mom's middle name. I think it fits her!

This is another of my "makeshift" displays that is on
the fireplace mantle in the living room. An old barn door is the backdrop
for this display. I bought the white pottery pitcher on one of our vacations
 in Door County, Wisconsin a couple years ago. My love of old books is
evident and lovingly displayed, with another of my prim dolls sitting
on a stack of some of them. I named her Becca, after my
blond-headed step-daughter.

I've had this shelf for a couple years, and the display is
constantly changing. As of now I'm in the process of getting
ready to decorate for fall, which is my favorite time of year.

This prim picture is one that my sweet husband eyed at a local
antique/prim shop. We both knew it'd be perfect for our new kitchen.

Another small display on  the living room fireplace. I love the
galvanized tin pitcher that's filled with grasses, my old spools, and another
of my prim dolls. I've had her for many years.


Lena said...

Hi Kathy, I'm enjoy your reading about what is happening with you. My sister-in-law does one too. It's a good way to keep in contact with what they are doing when they are traveling. Hope to read lots more.

diane deLong said...

I love what you are doing with your decors ! They look so professional. You really have several gifts in your talents. What a blessing. I love your blogs. Makes me think of that movie with Amy Adams, Julie & Julia. LOL.. If you haven't seen it, you'll have to get it to watch it !! You'll like it ! Hugs to you !

Jeanne Beebe said...
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Jeanne Beebe said...

Hi,Kathy!! I really enjoy your blog! It's like looking in a picture window of your life! :)