"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sunshine on my Shoulders

Here is a photo of Holly at her absolute finest. I love how her little front paws are curled up together! My husband and I recently finished remodeling this room: it's sort of a computer room/studio/sitting and craft area of sorts. Holly immediately claimed the wicker settee as her own, so just to make sure she was at her comfiest, I placed one of her cat beds on it. She loved that and climbed into it immediately! She has even been sleeping here during the night now! I like to leave the east window shade open at night so she can enjoy the very first rays of sunshine in the morning.....or, if she so chooses, she can sit on one of two window sills and watch the early birds and squirrels.

Right at this very moment, I think this is my favorite room of the house. I can go here for peace and solitude...to read while sitting on the comfy wicker settee or listen to the squeaky wood floors while rocking in my wicker rocker.....I can listen to music, I can dream, or just rest. It's my room (though I do "share" the computer with my husband haha). It's mine to do whatever I want with. It's a room that, to me, is always bright and cheerful and if I'm down or not feeling very well (which has been unfortunately quite often the last several months), I can go in there and it helps to lift me up. I'm planning on making the longest wall my "gallery" and blow up some of  my favorite photography to display and enjoy. Also I have an old white drop-leaf table in the basement that I can utilize as a craft table. I have two old chairs that I want to repaint---I'm thinking of a soft color of pink.....maybe yellow? what do you think? The walls are a sagey green and the quilt I have on the settee is shades of ivory, green, pink and deep rose, with a hint of yellow. The quilt I have hanging on the back of the settee is a more of a goldenrod yellow and ivory. I have my glass-front white distressed cabinet in here also that I'm starting to set out my eclectic collection of mix and match china pieces, and soon I'm going to display my collection of salt and pepper shakers. I have quite a few ideas in mind, but I'm still in the planning stages!

When the room is done and fixed how I like it, I'll post some photos! But then again, any room in my home is never done....I'm constantly changing things, rearranging.....and dreaming.....that's part of the comfort of home.

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