"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Thrill of the hunt

I enjoy decorating and I love the thrill of the hunt. Whether it’s a thrift shop, garage sale, flea market, or antique shop—I’m digging for treasures, and treasures at bargain basement prices! I’m not afraid to dicker either—I think it’s expected sometimes. My husband tells me he could never do that and at times he cringes when I start wheeling and dealing ☺️

Today my husband and I drove down to Springfield to a couple antique malls. I wasn’t disappointed. I found a collectible Durkee’s shortening tin (antique mall). I’ll set it on top of our kitchen cabinets. The quilt I found (craft mall) I’ll display at the foot of the bed in our spare bedroom—and they were both priced fairly. It was a happy day! 

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