"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Monday, April 8, 2024



EPISODE 37–04/08/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. I wasn’t planning on writing today but since there’s such a hullabaloo over this eclipse thingy, I had to write something. 

🐱 It’s been a quiet day. I sprinted around the house a few times and performed my duty of patrolling in the northern part of my domain. All the vile beasts instinctively must have known to hide out deep in the dark woods this afternoon. All I saw was some chickadees and starlings pigging out at the suet feeder, but I noticed they kept their eyes closed during the big event. 

🐱 Pa was in the basement puttering around this morning and when he came upstairs he showed Ma what he had been up to. He made an eclipse watching contraption out of a cereal box. Ma had already been thinking about her dad a lot today. Ma shared her story about how he would also make this contraption out of a box to safely watch an eclipse. She remembers being outside with him using it during an eclipse. Her dad could do anything. He would have loved to have witnessed today’s eclipse. Maybe he watched it in heaven. I’m sure he’s up there monitoring all the different cloud formations and weather patterns. I'm not sure Ma believes me though. She's so skeptical of everything.

🐱 The eclipse thingy has now come and gone. It was rather weird. The sun was still shining but yet it looked different outside. The inside of our house became quite dark. It lasted for about 15 minutes and then everything got back to looking normal. God sure is cool. 

🐱 Ma had all the blinds closed in the rest of the house because of that eclipse thingy. She didn’t want me and Oliver looking at the sun and causing damage to our lovely eyes. I never ever stare at the sun because it hurts! Ma can be so absurd! So any way, I’ll have to patrol the rest of my domain later this evening. Maybe I can patrol while Pa is watching that orange bouncing ball again. I heard Ma say it’s some championship ordeal. College guys chasing this orange ball back and forth—such asinine behavior! 

🐱 I hope you all have a lovely evening. Pa is outside grilling yummy hamburgers on the grill. I had my boring cat food. More about me later…love, Holly

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