"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Tuesday, April 23, 2024



EPISODE 47–04/23/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. All day long I’ve been searching for sunbeams and they have all departed to somewhere out in the universe, millions and trillions of light years away. Tortuous! We’re getting a lot of despicable rain and that makes the flowers happy—but I’m not! I need sunbeams for my well-being! Maybe tomorrow there will be some. All of these cloudy days are just ushering in vileness, exhaustion and boredom into our lives. 

🐱 Today has been quiet. Too quiet. This morning I performed my duty of patrolling but I didn’t seen any vile beasts inside or outside my domain. I didn’t find the dust bunnies that I saw a couple days ago so they must have scurried to another area. All I can surmise is that all the vile beasts must be hiding out with the sunbeams. I saw Stumpy the squirrel yesterday and that made Ma real happy. I have to admit he is cute in a chubby sort of way. 

🐱 Slacker boy Oliver has spent most of his day goofing off and snuggling deep under the bed covers. I’ve come to the conclusion that he’s part mole. I’ve been sleeping more too. Ma always gets concerned about our health when we’re not very active. Especially concerned since I puked up part of my breakfast the last two mornings—I think I’m working on one of those slimy repulsive hairballs. Maybe when it finally comes up Oliver will step in it. That would be funny. Ma loves me a lot and like always, has her watchful eye on me. 

🐱 Perhaps tomorrow I’ll have something exciting to report—like that hairball. I hope you all have a restful evening. Maybe enjoy a big slice of angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream? It’s Tuesday and Pa usually has his Bible group in the evening, but one of his friends can’t make it so it was cancelled, which means he and Ma will be watching something or other on TV. More about me later…love, Holly

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