"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Monday, September 19, 2011


As I was lying in bed last night, I heard a sound I hadn't heard for quite awhile. My husband opened one of the bedroom windows, and I immediately smelled the intoxicating clean scent of much needed rain. I laid there intently listening to the songs of all the frogs singing alto and soprano in rhythm to the rain's steady

crescendo. I was afraid to drift off to sleep, for fear of the rain stopping, just as it had magically started. Upon hearing the window open, my cat Holly immediately jumped onto the window ledge. Even though it was fairly dark in the room, I could still envision her little black nose upturned as she sat in the window, sniffing all the wonderful smells of the outside world. She would then become very excited and jump off the window ledge, then onto the bed, and then back on the ledge...up and down, up and down! She would then have fits of running down the hallway all the while making noises that only a cat can make of what I call "war hoops". Then she jumps back onto the ledge. I think I'll have to close the window if I want to get some sleep!

Even now as I am writing this, she has calmed down and is, for now, content just lying close to me with her ears twitching and cocked forward, intently listening to all the different night sounds. I think she is also enjoying the cool breeze blowing across the bed as much as I am....but I know this contentment will only last a short while, after all, she is a cat!

When I first heard it starting to rain, I had a mental
picture of all the little animals in the backyard on
their hind legs celebrating by dancing in the rain.
The song from the 70's, "Dancing in the Moonlight"
came to mind!

For some reason, I always remember this cartoon that I watched as a child, of flowers in the rain after a long dry spell, having their heads turned up to the sky, with their eyes closed, and their little cartoon mouths opened up drinking in the rain. I can almost envision my garden coming back to life, after a good soaking rain, much like the flowers in this cartoon.

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