"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Old and wrinkly

I often see older couples walking and holding hands. I see older couples in restaurants and in the parks. Sometimes you see a walker or cane closeby, and one is lovingly assisting the other. Seeing this partnership....this communion of love.....always makes me smile and feel warm and fuzzy inside. If I ever made a list of "the sweetest things in life", this would be near the top of my list.

I want that.....I feel I will have that when I'm old with my sweet husband Brian. He will be the one to hold my hand when I'm all wrinkly. Because he wants to hold my hand. Because maybe I need him to hold my  hand.

Over the years as I have watched these couples, it occurred to me that one of two things could be at play: 1) these couples wanted to hold each other's hands as a sign of affection, or 2) these couples were holding onto each others hands for balance. I prefer to think that it was a sign of affection, but in all reality, I imagine it was also for balance. So I choose option 3, which I did not mention as a choice: a sign of affection and for balance.

Who's the person that will be holding your hand when you're old and wrinkly? Tell them...."Thank you. I love you".....and hold on.

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