"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Homemade pizza night

My sweet husband finished working in the dining room around 8 p.m. Every inch of the kitchen/dining area was coated white with drywall dust. The plywood underlayment looked as if there was a layer of powdered sugar on it. Holly couldn't wait to venture in there and explore. She had been forbidden to go in there all day *grin*. I didn't want her to breathe all the dust and I just knew she'd roll around in it and have a hey day! I didn't think she'd appreciate wearing a dust mask! And yes, that is Holly on the top
bunk of her cat tree, sound asleep!

 I thought....oh my, do I really feel like making dinner at 8:00 at night?? But he vacuumed while I washed off  the counters and appliances, and then I cleaned the half-bath. With both of us pitching in, we had the rooms looking spiffy in no time at all. It's always more fun.....and a lot easier.....when someone helps you clean!

I thought maybe he'd enjoy one of my homemade deep dish pizzas. I might add that I enjoyed it too :)

 It was good :) And there's even leftovers for tomorrow!

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