"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My mom

My mom peacefully left this earthly world to be with Jesus the morning of February 25, 2012. Right at this very moment my mom is so full of joy and happiness. She is walking (and dancing) down the streets of gold in heaven with my dad. I rejoice that Mom has no more pain, and is able to walk again! Heaven will be so beautiful! The earthly flesh and daughter side of me misses her and my dad so very much, but the compassionate and Christian side of me knows how happy they both are. I thank God for His loving grace, the peace that passeth all understanding that He has given me, my faith, and for His loving arms that are wrapped around me.

Mom was bound to her lift chair and wheelchair the last few months of her earthly life. She was such a strong woman and had such a will to live. My family and I did as much as we possibly could to make her life easier and more comfortable, but we just couldn't fix it. Now she's fixed and some happy day I will join her and Dad in my heavenly home! Praise God for eternal life through Him!

So many times the last few days I've actually picked up my phone to call Mom, and I am sure I will feel that urge many more times. My car seems like it's been on "automatic pilot" to go to see her for so many years. I just have to keep reminding myself of how she is now pain-free and with her Lord and Savior, Dad and all the rest of the family that have gone on before her.

I miss you so much Mom. I miss hearing your voice, your laughter, your teasing, your wisdom, your phone calls....I'm about to leave to go to Canton, though this time it's not to see you. You have been such a big and such an important part of my life, of my day-to-day activities. I'd call you "just because" or to see if you were ok, I'd call you just to let you know that I got home safely, I'd call you t...o tell you about a little thing that just happened, whether it was about any of my cats and more recently Holly, or about the remodeling progress, I'd call you about a memory, I'd call you about a recipe, or anything at all.....you'd call me "just because", you'd call me when you were upset and wanted to talk, or if you wanted to tell me something funny, you'd call me just to see how I was feeling or what I was doing, I'd call you to tell you about appointments, I'd call you to see how you were feeling, I'd call you to let you know when I was coming over to see you, you were there for me with all my diagnoses (MS, cancer...), but the one thing I'm so very grateful for: we never hung up the phone or parted without saying "I love you".....it's going to be a rough road ahead without you in my life, but I am so happy for you, you're pain free in heaven! I love you so much Mom! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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