"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Take her hand precious Lord

I am so thankful for the many prayers, love and all the support from my friends on facebook and the many new ones that follow my blog. It's so wonderful for me, as a born-again Christian, to have the joy, comfort and peace of knowing that my mom will be rejoicing in Heaven one of these days soon, and to be with the loved ones that have gone on before her. Mom had a couple miscarriages, and to think that she will see those babies again is such a comforting joyous thought! Just think: she will see my daddy, all her 9 siblings, her parents, her friends, and so many others that have gone on to heaven before her. Yes, I will miss her so much, and more than words can say, but I know how much she has been suffering. She has been such a fighter and I respect her courage and will to live. I whispered to her yesterday morning to tell her it's ok to let go, to be with Jesus and Dad.....that me and all her kids will be fine and that we will join her someday in that glorious heavenly mansion that God has prepared for us! Just think! seeing Jesus face to face!!!! What wonderful peace that we have for knowing Christ as our Savior. I pray that every one of my friends on here know Him personally or will ask Him for forgiveness for their sins, to believe that Jesus died on the cross for their sins, and that he rose again the third day. I pray this, and pray that your loved ones have Jesus in their lives too, so when it's their time to go, you can rejoice knowing that they are going to heaven, with no more suffering and no more pain, and have the deep peace and joy that you will one day see them again!!! (John 3:16)

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