"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Sunday, March 4, 2012

In like a lion out like a lamb

"Daffodils that come before the swallow dares, and takes the winds of March with beauty."~~~William Shakespeare

In my opinion, I'd say that March came in like a lamb this year, for my family and myself saw a beautiful 50ish sunny day to lay our Mom to rest on March 1st. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. It was much like the day she went to heaven. But then again March 2nd was definitely like a lion, with cold winds, rain, some sleet and snow flurries. I didn't even stick my head out the door on March 3rd. It was just a good day to stay in and watch a couple of movies. Just seeing the brave people going on their walks, bundled up in their coats, was enough of an excuse for me to stay inside my home and stay warm. So since there was one day out of three that was nice, does that mean that March came in like a lion? The March weather here in Illinois is unpredictable, and I've learned to take it as it comes. Who knows how this March will "go out"! I, of course, am rooting for it going out like a lamb. In March, any type of weather is possible!
The Farmers Almanac states the following: "The truth behind 'In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb'.....is there any truth to this saying??? Weather sayings are as colorful as our imagination. While many sayings are based on careful observations and turn out to be accurate, others are merely rhymes or beliefs of the people who came before us."

"Those people often believed that bad spirits could affect the weather adversely, so they were cautious as to what they did or did not do in certain situations. Those beliefs often included ideas that there should be a balance in weather and life. So, if a month came in bad (like a lion), it should go out good and calm (like a lamb)."

"With March being such a changeable month, in which we can see warm spring-like temperatures or late-season snowstorms, you can understand how this saying might hold true in some instances. We can only hope that if March starts off cold and stormy it will end warm and sunny, but the key word is hope. However, this saying seems be to more of a rhyme rather than a true weather predictor."

I just look at it as "what will be, will be"!!!

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