This morning as I was enjoying the somewhat cooler temperature, I sat outside and read Day #1 of my devotional and read the additional scripture that was listed. I prayed first---asking God to help me understand what I was about to read and prepare my mind and heart to absorb this message. During my prayer, I prayed for God's blessings and that I continue my daily devotions and to make it as much a part of my daily routine as brushing my teeth. Once I started reading, I couldn't put the book down. I read from the books of Matthew, Philippians and I Thessalonians. After reading those passages, I decided to start reading from the book of Psalm, reading a few of David's many prayers.
You are probably wondering why I got this sudden urge---convicted is more like it---to start daily devotions and quiet time with God. I must admit that I have tried to discipline myself in the past, and would read a couple of days in a row, but I'd fizzle out. I'm just not a very structured person any more. What simply prompted me was this: one of the books I purchased is one I've been wanting to read for quite awhile, but I had forgotten about it. A movie was even made based on the book. It's entitled "Tuesdays with Morrie"...a true, inspirational-type book. I couldn't put it down. I read all 200 some pages in one night, which is really unusual for me, even though I do enjoy a good read. I
just haven't taken the time to read a lot for a long time. So---this morning, as I was making my coffee, I decided that "this is the day"! The thought crossed my mind---and I am sure that God planted this thought there---that if I can take the TIME and be DISCIPLINED to read an entire book in one evening, I can take half an hour to 45 minutes out of my morning to read God's Word, pray, and have devotions. Simple as that!
Today's message was powerful, as I am sure all of them are. As we are obedient to God's command, there will be those whose lives we may brighten. Let your light so shine!
"...let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."~~~Matthew 5:16 NIV
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