"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Monday, December 30, 2019

What if?

Just my thoughts ~ and in no way does it mean I am right. You know guys, sometimes my mind just wanders. As I watched the nightly news I thought to myself, I KNOW there are good things happening somewhere in this world. Right in our neighborhood! So, why is it we only hear the negative end of things every single nightl? I think we need a cable news channel that reports good, positive, and inspirational stories all day long. We need one just as we do the news channels that tell us all the gloom and doom. Yes, much of that we as a nation need to know, but not ALL of the time.  

Then I thought about that for a second ~ have we become a country that wants to hear gloom and doom? Have we programed ourselves to this, and just accept it as ok. It would be nice to hear or read a few minutes a day about the better things in life. I for one would LOVE to hear about families’ homes being saved by someone that cared about humanity, or a family in need that gets a car they so needed, or a story about how a child or animal has changed one’s outlook on life. It would definitely help this nation’s morale. 

Oh and so many more things. Good things, that happen daily. I guess we have just settled for which Kardashian sister got a pedicure today, or which movie star is in love with their best friend’s husband. Wow, what happened?

Now 2020 is an election year. I have never paid any attention to politics so I doubt I’ll start this year. I know that whoever is elected as President isn’t in control—God is on the throne. 

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