EPISODE 6—02/27/2024
🐱 Hi to all my admirers. I hope this finds you doing well. It’s been a quiet day so far but you never know—anything could happen!
🐱 I slept like a rock the last two nights. Both nights I was all snuggled up and warm on Ma’s green afghan and was so out of it I never made it in to Ma’s bed. I’m sure she truly missed me. I don’t know how she ever managed to get any sleep at all without my cuddles and kisses.
🐱 Speaking of cuddles and kisses, I have been getting a lot more of them since Ma can hardly do anything. I don’t like to see her like this, but I must admit I’m happily reaping the benefits.
🐱 I heard Ma complaining to Pa just the other day about her inactivity and gaining some extra pounds. That reality really pushes her over the edge and into a foul mood. Just think of the trauma she’ll experience if all her pajama bottoms don’t fit her any more! Some are already too tight!
🐱 I am rather embarrassed to profess that late yesterday afternoon I was lax in my patrol duties. I was sitting on the dining room register warming my bum and patrolling the back yard through the French doors. I became distracted because Oliver was sauntering towards me and he had that glint in his eye. I have to always be mindful and know where’s he’s lurking at all times, so it’s difficult to multi-task. While I was distracted, and it was ONLY for a minute, a squirrel, known to Ma and Pa as Stumpy Jr., was right up close to the French doors. He displayed brazenness by jumping up on the bird bath and then drinking from it! I was so alarmed I didn’t have the foresight to give him one of my steely looks. If I ever see him again in my territory I’ll give him two of my steely looks, by gum!
🐱 I hope you all have a restful evening. I’m going to sniff some nip and relax. More about me later…Holly
I can only imagine you and Stumpy, dear Holly.~Deanna Hinds
I really like # 6. I’m glad Holly talked about how you’re feeling. It’s great that Stumpy made an appearance. Your Holly stories are so much fun to read. Are you having fun writing them?~ Diane Pflederer
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