EPISODE 9—03/02/2024
🐱 Hi to all my admirers. It’s gonna be a beautiful sunny day which means warm sunbeams to bask in. It’s also Saturday so might I suggest making some comfort food like meatloaf topped with ketchup, and roasted potatoes and carrots. Then later for dessert perhaps a big chunk of German chocolate cake while watching a movie.
🐱 Yesterday was a ho-hum day. I venture a guess that March came in like a lion in our neck of the woods. Such a vile day. It started out with snow flurries, and gray skies prevailed the rest of the day. As a result of the dreariness, not a lot happened. I was so bored I performed my usual duty of house patrolling three times instead of my usual two. I only observed a few intruders in my territory but it wasn’t worth the time it takes to give stern looks. I was in a good mood so I let them go on their merry way.
🐱 For reasons unknown to me, Oliver has been on his best behavior, though I did have to whack him on the head a few times. What can I say? He loves me but I’m not always in the mood for his slobbery kisses.
🐱 Yesterday morning Ma finally mustered up enough courage to step on the scales. She hadn’t weighed herself since goodness gracious—before Thanksgiving?! To my amazement (shocker alert) she devoured way too many cookies, chocolates and ice cream! I know she has to be embarrassed over all that overindulgence as I am just to write it! It was a very, very long winter. Remarkably she only gained five pounds, but coupled with the 5 pounds she wanted to lose before that, the total weight to lose now is 10-12 pounds. I overheard her telling Pa that she refuses to buy a larger size of underwear!! I was informing my brother Oliver that if I gained that kind of weight I’d look like a puffed up blowfish with a furry tail!
🐱 I’m going to mosey into the living room and meditate on the green afghan for awhile. Enjoy your day! More about me later…love, Holly
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