"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Sunday, April 21, 2024



EPISODE 44–04/19/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. It’s been another quiet and uneventful day, other than a next-neighbor having to make a racket by mowing his 1” tall grass. 

🐱 My plan was to get something accomplished today but that obviously fell through. I kept telling myself “I’m going to be productive today…I’m going to be productive to…zzzzzz” And off to dreamland I’d go. My philosophy is there’s always tomorrow to procrastinate, right? 

🐱 Ma is still very tired and laid down for a nap at 2:30. I was right up there snuggling up close and giving her intensive Purr Therapy. It seemed as if Ma had just drifted off to sleep and that pesky boy Oliver jumped onto the bed and yowled directly into her left ear, jolting her back to reality. Thankfully she and I both got in a good hour’s nap before he barged in and ruined both of our dreams. Oh the unfairness of it all! 

🐱 Well here we are Friday evening and Ma STILL has not lifted a measly finger to clean out the drawers in her stand beside the couch. I'm telling you—it's not going to happen. She has all these supplements that are sitting out in plain view and she wants them placed neatly inside the drawers and easily accessible. But first said drawers need to be cleaned out! To be honest, I’m kind of afraid of what vile things she might encounter that’s lurking inside there! Scary thought. Any way, Ma is all talk until it's time to get the work done and then she has a wealth of excuses. Today it has been the fact that she was just too exhausted. Ma always has all these grand illusions! 

🐱 I hope you all have a lovely Friday evening. Order an extra large meat-lovers pizza and a couple liters of frothy root beer—maybe have a humongous bowl of rocky road ice cream for dessert. More about me later…love, Holly

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