"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Monday, May 20, 2024



EPISODE 58–05/20/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. It’s a windy one—batten down the hatches! The vile weatherman forecasted that it’s supposed to be cloudy all day but here it is almost 1:00 p.m. and it’s still sunny. There’s supposed to be some rain later, so we will see. I overheard Pa saying he wanted to get the yard mowed before it starts so I’ll be hearing that vile noise in a bit. 

🐱 It has been fairly quiet on the home front the last few days so nothing too newsworthy to write about. I’m still not eating all that great so Ma started me on another three-day cocktail at 5:30 a.m. and I ate like a piggy later for breakfast. Now she doesn’t know if I was just overly hungry or the first dose was already helping. All I know is that I was hungry! Life is such a conundrum! 

🐱 Yesterday Pa was gone all day in Missouri so Ma was a bit sad. She was sick most of the morning but then started feeling better. So even though it was ghastly hot, she got out and did something. I’m proud of her. Tomorrow is something called “bulky pick-up” and everyone puts stuff they don’t want curb side. Ma loves this day! Pa cringes as he never knows what she’ll be dragging home. Me and Oliver don’t care as long as it’s not any more cats or vile beasts. She took off with the old pickup after lunch and rode around town looking for treasures. The A/C is broken so it got pretty hot for her but she persevered! She was on a mission! The first treasure she found was right across the street. It’s a really cool old white adjustable chaise lounge with funky bright orange, yellow and green flowered cushions—it’s in excellent condition! She’s been wanting one for a long time but they’re so pricey. Then she chanced upon two old metal chairs that are in really good shape. She asked some complete stranger to load them in the back of the truck! The way I look at it is that these “so-called” treasures are just something else for Pa to store in the winter. 

🐱 Earlier Ma drank her coffee on the patio—she loves to watch and listen to all the birds. The cicadas were competing with their singing but Ma told me later that they didn’t bother her since her ears have been making similar noises since 2009. Pa showed Ma all the cicada shells that are all over the big maple trees and plants. They don’t seem to fly very fast so I’m sure they’ll be good snacks for the birds. 

🐱 I hope you all have a lovely day. I’m going to nap the rest of the day. Maybe Ma will join me later—she’s been so exhausted the last few months. More about me later…love, Holly

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