"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Saturday, May 11, 2024



EPISODE 56–05/11/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. It has been a few days so I thought I’d better check in and write a few lines. I know how much you all miss me. It’s an absolutely beautiful sunny day! I predict I will be basking in glorious sunbeams!

🐱 On another note, I still have three more days of antibiotic to take for my UTI. Ma had to start me back on yet another three-day dose of my cocktail since I haven’t been eating the greatest. She doesn’t want me to lose weight. I finally gained enough so I don’t look scrawny. 

🐱 Slacker boy Oliver is being his usual ornery self. He’s pretty self-sufficient and eats like a piggy, but Ma doesn’t take that for granted and keeps a watchful eye out for him too. He was in rare form yesterday. He terrorized the house most of the day! Running around and making his usual war whoops. I have to admit he’s a funny boy. 

🐱 Oliver finally earned SOME of his keep and did some patrolling for vile beasts yesterday afternoon. He reported back to me and told me all he saw was a family of squirrels—Mama, Papa and two youngins’. They were having fun playing in the yard and then all four abruptly made a bee line up the ole maple tree. There’s a big nest up there and Pa thinks that’s their home. I was telling Oliver that if I were a squirrel I’d sure be living in this yard. There’s plenty of bird baths to drink from, shelter in all the flowers, shrubs and big trees. Lots of food too—acorns, walnuts, hickory nuts and helicopter maple seeds to name a few. 

🐱 I patrolled a little with Oliver yesterday. We watched Ma and Pa from our vantage point by the French doors. Ma was doing a stellar job of supervising Pa as he was planting flowers. Oliver was getting himself all worked up and in quite a state when he saw this little bunny sitting right next to Pa. He thought it was going to bite Pa’s hand! I sat there gazing at him in disbelief and thought how much stupid resides in that pointy black head? I told him “Oliver! That’s a pretend bunny! It’s made out of something fake called concrete!”

🐱Seems I’m in the mood to write about my slacker brother today. I’ve had to learn to put up with him for almost 12 years—his birthday is celebrated the middle of June. I have been grieving ever since he moved in. There is no getting rid of him, so I have had to learn to cope with his existence. It hasn’t been easy. As you all have heard me say, I’m the Queen of this ship! I’ve threatened to throw him into the brig more than once! 

🐱 I have to skedaddle. I have to get busy and earn my keep. I’m in the mood to give some stern looks to whatever crosses into my domain. Yesterday a corgi was awfully close! He was the very same corgi that made a vile mess in my domain last year and his owner didn’t bother to clean it up! 

🐱 Enjoy your Saturday. It’s National Eat What You Want Day so you have my permission to overindulge! So go ahead and eat that second piece of Dutch apple pie with extra scoops of vanilla ice cream. More about me later…love, Holly

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