"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Saturday, June 29, 2024

HOLLY’S CAT LETTER, Episode 65–06/29/2024


Episode 65–06/29/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. Whew, the last day of June. Can you believe it? The weather has been crazy. I’ve quit watching the vile weatherman. He’s full of lies just like a politician. I have previously written two letters to the Illinois Meteorologist Association about his incompetence. They never even bothered to reply. So I’m catcotting him! 

🐱 I woke up early to bug Ma to feed me. I’ll paw at her face to get her attention but you know what does? She buries her face in the pillow so I can’t paw at her face! I’ve told her time and time again that she’ll get more wrinkles by doing that. I’m a very wise cat but she never listens to me. Tsk tsk.

🐱 So instead of wasting my time trying to rouse her, I decided to begin my daily chores of patroling the house, and my outside territory for vile beasts. This morning I gave Squirrel, Blue Jay and Rabbit my sternest of looks. Rabbit was rummaging in one of the flower beds again. To Ma’s dismay she’s eaten most of the Black-eyed Susans down to a nubbin. Ma hopes she wasn’t eating any of the tender seedlings that are finally growing! 

🐱 While I was still waiting for Ma to get her ample tush out of bed, I reserved what little energy I had left by napping in a glorious sunbeam. 

🐱 Lately Ma has been mixing one of her supplements in a smoothie. I want her to feel better so I’ll get more attention, which I most assuredly deserve. She makes her smoothie with unsweetened apple juice, water, a chunk of banana, and a handful of putrid yucky spinach.

 🐱 Now my slacker brother Oliver loves spinach—he even eats the stems. It’s a healthy treat Ma occasionally gives him. Shortly after he gobbled down three leaves and two stems, he ran to the cat tree and laid upside down attempting to catch his tail. Then he went berserk running through the kitchen and dining area at a full gallop and wiping out on the hardwood floors. He ran all around in a circle on the dining room table chairs, jumping onto the cat tree and back on the table playing with his toy. He was high on spinach just like Popeye! Then after all that he sauntered to his cat bed and drifted off to sleep.

🐱 I have never tried to eat spinach. For that matter, I have no desire to eat spinach. Therefore, I will never eat spinach. 

🐱 I’m sorry this letter is so long. I get carried away just like Ma. I hope you all have a nice and relaxing evening. And no loud and annoying fireworks! More about me later…love, Holly

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