"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Another cat

It's been a long time. Around eight years. I guess I haven't been writing because I really don't know what to say. A lot has happened since August 2012. Some things haven't been worth writing about, some things were too intense and personal, and other things I just couldn't find the words. Also I hate to write about depressing life events.

The one bright spot in my life is that I acquired another fur baby in October 2012. I've been wanting another cat for a long time, but my husband adamantly "put his foot down" by stating that he did not want another cat. My husband and I went to the annual Scenic Drive that's held in the county I was raised in. As I was getting out of the car in one of the small villages, lo and behold a black kitten was alongside the grassy side of the road. He had been busy licking a paper plate. He looked to be around 4 months old. I approached him and he looked up at me and I just melted. I reached down for him and cradled him in my arms and wanted to take him home so badly. But my husband's argument was that he could belong to someone. I put the little guy down and walked away, trying not to look back. My mood, needless to say, was ruined for the rest of the day. This was on a Sunday.

The following Thursday I called my husband at work and told him I was going to go back to that town and try to find the kitten. He reluctantly said okay. So I drove the 100 mile round trip to find the little guy. After arriving to the area I initially saw him, he was nowhere to be found. I decided I had to knock on doors. The first door I knocked on knew what kitten I was talking about and they told me that they'd seen the kitten in the neighbor's yard behind their house. I walked to that house and the woman told me that the kitten was her daughter's, even though her daughter had another cat. My heart sank. The little girl came out and took me outside and called the kitten to come to her. The little guy ran out of a shed and she reassured me that it was okay for me to take him. I told her I'd take really good care of him and give him a good home. I was ecstatic! I took the little guy home and he's been loved and happy ever since! He's now seven years old and has grown into a very handsome loving cat. We named him Oliver and he and my other cat Holly have become very close. By the way, my husband loves the little guy too.

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