"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

God’s voice

 I hope you enjoy my synopsis of one of Pastor Jack Hibbs’ great teachings:

GIGO—back in the day this was a computer term meaning garbage in, garbage out. If you feed the computer garbage, it will spit out garbage. If you eat junk, your body will get sick. When you start ingesting the Bible, Bible in, Bible out. When you pick up the Bible you will hear God speak, and you need to ingest it. 

When you read the Bible, God’s Word gets inside of you. When you open up the Bible, a good place to start reading is in the gospel of John in the New Testament. When you read that, you become familiar who Jesus Christ is. How He spoke to those He came in contact with. How He dealt with certain situations. If we ingest the Bible, it gets into us. You read the Bible and it becomes part of you. 

God speaks to me the most when I’m in my yard, out in nature, His creation. You have to unplug from your hectic life. Get away from the noise. You have to get alone with the Word to have that experience of hearing what God is saying. 

So when God is speaking, His voice is crystal clear. He’s going to use scripture. The Bible is God’s will. When He voices His will, you know it. When He speaks it will be in correlation with scripture. A lot of people who do not know their Bibles, but they’re spiritual—be careful when they say they have been spoken to by God. Such as “God told me to divorce my spouse” or “God told me He wants me to be rich”. God did not tell you that. People are so bent on achieving what they desire, they will cloak their decision making process, they will wrap it with a Christian bow. Be very careful of saying when God spoke to you. Be sure it’s according to God’s Word that what you are saying is true.  Know and discern the voice of God.

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