"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Thursday, March 7, 2024



EPISODE 13—03/07/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. It has been a few days since I’ve touched base. Hope you all enjoyed your day and munched on homemade chocolate chip cookies with extra chips. All is well on the home front other than Ma still hasn’t been feeling up to snuff for over a week now—nothing one can really put a paw on other than extra fatigue, more widespread pain and a bit irritable. I’m thinking the irritability could be stemming from trying to lose those additional pounds?? I know she’s tired of her hands giving her extra pain and anxiety. I have been giving her extra cuddles and kisses and Oliver has been giving her extra head bunts and laying on her lap more. 

🐱 This morning as Ma was in the bathroom brushing her teeth, I did my duty of patrolling. I checked out every nook and cranny and even made sure nothing contemptible was floating in the toilet bowl. My brother Oliver from another Mother and Father later sauntered in the bathroom and exerted himself by looking behind the door for any intruders. I’m pleased to report everything in there was tip top. 

🐱 It’s been a rather uneventful long and dreary day. Oliver and I slept in the dining room in one of our many spots throughout most of the day. Ma had that occupational therapy thing this morning and then she and Pa met her sister Karla and hubby David for an early supper. Thankfully they were home by feeding time! 

🐱 The house a few doors down that had the estate sale last weekend is up for sale. I hope no boisterous vile beasts move in—I have enough to patrol. I’m just like Ma and enjoy my peace so they had all better be nice and quiet. If not I’ll have to give them more than my daily quota of stern looks. 

🐱 Ma has promised much coziness tonight so I’m going to be snuggled up her lap. More about me later…love, Holly

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