"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Sunday, March 31, 2024



EPISODE 33–03/31/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. It’s a beautiful sunny Resurrection Sunday! Ma is drinking her dirty brown water again. I don’t know how on earth she stomachs that wretched stuff. It smells vile!

🐱 Me and my brother from another Father and Mother are soaking up lovely sunbeams. We’re trying to absorb as many rays as felinely possible since the vile rain is supposed to start in later and on through Tuesday! You know the old saying: if it rains on Easter, it will rain the next seven Sundays. 

🐱 I have been doing some southern exposure patrolling but not much is happening. Chuckles, our resident red-bellied woodpecker, is at it again! I soon grew bored and took a needed catnap. Basking in the warm sunbeams is so relaxing. Oliver quickly dozed off—he’s such a slacker! 

🐱 Pa gave Ma some beautiful flowers—they certainly look good enough to eat! Pa puts all of Ma’s flowers on the fireplace mantle so me and Oliver won’t get to them. Case in point: Oliver is known to be a mighty hunter, and a long time ago a bug was flying around and landed up on the mantle. Oliver tried his hardest to jump up there to get it. Well—he missed, and a piece of Ma’s pulchritudinous (my new word) pottery came crashing to the floor. I think that scared two of his nine lives out of him! He hasn’t tried jumping up there since. 

🐱 I am doing so-so and the last few days not eating great. Plus Oliver has been attacking me and that’s a red flag to Ma that I’m not up to snuff. Animals like us sense the weaker one and attack, even when it comes to domesticated critters like us. So—Ma started me on another three-day regime of my drug cocktail. Poor Ma. She sure doesn’t need anything else added to her overflowing plate. My goal is giving her extra cuddles and kisses today, especially since every holiday is extremely rough on her. 

🐱 Pa is starting to watch one of those “chasing the orange bouncing ball things” on TV and Ma wants to sorta kinda watch the antics. Whenever the score is tied Ma hollers “New game!” Pa is rooting for Purdue but Ma tends to be partial towards Tennessee since that is where her heart lies. 

🐱 I hope you all have a delightful day. Please remember the Reason for Easter. Don’t eat too much ham or you won’t have room for any of that delectable lemon lush dessert! More about me later…love, Holly

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