"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Tuesday, April 2, 2024



EPISODE 34–04/02/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. Rain, rain go away! But I suppose what these silly humans say is true—April showers bring May flowers.

🐱 I am very happy to report that I am back to pigging out. This certainly puts a smile on Ma’s face. Those miracle drugs in my cocktail always do the trick.

🐱 I'm sad to report that Ma is still struggling with her hands. I had to have a heart-to-heart with her yesterday about how she needs to get shot up with cortisone. Ma’s orthopedist asked her to try OT first before he injected her. Well she bravely did try OT for almost three months and it didn’t remedy the tendons and weak muscles. So I told her to “go see your orthopedist again or quit telling me how bad your fingers and thumbs hurt”. Then she argues that cortisone makes her more ill. I just throw up my paws!! I suppose it's a good thing I can type or my dear friends would not hear from me for ages. Ma’s hands have been worsening for 15 months and heaven only knows how long she will drag this out. I love Ma and I’ve tried all I can felinely do to help her but I’m out of cat tricks. Another thought to ponder: I don’t know how many lives Ma has, but I’d have thought she’d used them all up by now.

🐱  Even though I poured on my intensive Purr Therapy and snuggles overnight, Ma didn’t drift off to needed sleep because she was up and down using her litter box. Finally at 8:00 a.m. I heard her purring away. She stumbled into the kitchen at 10:05 a.m. and was in a complete stupor. She declared to Pa that she was jerked out of a sound sleep to hear what she thought was a tornado warning siren. Thankfully it was only the monthly civil defense siren. Poor Ma.

🐱 I am surrendering most of my daytime patrolling to Oliver’s lackadaisical paws so I can spend more quality time comforting Ma. I hope he doesn’t fall asleep on the job again since the house has to be maintained and free of vile beasts at all times. He hasn’t even managed to master how to give stern looks yet—what a slacker! I also couldn’t get any sleep last night so I was up patrolling. It was a quiet night since it poured vile rain all night long. 

🐱 Pa will be at Bible Study tonight so it’ll be just the three of us. It’s chilly here today and Ma has donned her fuzzy socks which means kissing, snuggling and a movie. Enjoy your evening. More about me later…love, Holly

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