"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for every dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life."~~~Stephen King

Thursday, June 13, 2024



EPISODE 62–6/13/2024

🐱 Hi to all my admirers. I haven’t checked in for over a week so I thought I’d better write a few lines. All is well on the ole homestead. 

🐱 The vile weatherman has sorta kinda been right since we got an inch of rain last week but I heard Ma say we do need more. I heard Ma tell Pa that the ground is as hard as concrete. It’s gonna be a hot humid one today. I like that kind of weather since Ma will be in the house more and we can cuddle and I can give her my special intensive Purr Therapy. 

🐱 I’ve been busy basking in warm sun beams, enjoying lots of naps and patrolling my territory. A few nights ago I had to give a deer the sternest of my stern looks to get out of my domain. She looked directly at me and promptly deposited a massive pile of evidence of her presence. Then this morning while Ma was busy getting a couple supplements ready, I was patrolling the north side and loudly alerted her to Mrs. Bunny chowing down on one of Ma’s prized purple coneflowers. Ma got outside so fast it was like the house was on fire and the bunny saw her coming and quickly hopped away. Chippy the resident chipmunk has been hanging around more. She just burrows deep in the grass to find food so even though she’s vile, she doesn’t bother too much. But then again she’s been around so much she just ignores my stern looks. 

🐱 A couple days ago Ma got her blue cicada cap in the mail. I think she had forgotten ordering it because when Pa handed her the package she had no idea what she could have ordered. She’ll be proudly wearing that thing all over God’s beautiful creation, and it completely embarrasses me. She also had the audacity to wear her cicada t-shirt to her doctor’s appointment last week. Wearing it around home is one thing, but out in public? Why on earth would anyone celebrate those noisy vile cicadas? Completely absurd!!

🐱 Before I go I should mention that Oliver is now 12 years old. Now I’m waiting for him to act like it. Pa commented last night about how he’s so playful and acts like he’s a one year old. I can attest to that for completely different reasons! He’s been staying on Pa’s good side. The other day Pa was in the bedroom and Oliver jumped on the bed and gifted him a dead fly. That’s huge since Oliver generally eats them! 

🐱 Enjoy your day and try to stay cool. I’m going to find that sunbeam that I hear calling my name. More about me later…love, Holly

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